Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 6: Cloud Nine.

"A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day."

Well...while there is definitely someone I think I would want to trade places with for a day, I will not write about her. Instead, I will write about what it is that I would want to experience, if for only one day.

I want to be someone who is Rich, Beautiful and Full of Life...

I live a fairly comfortable life; I can't really complain. I've had my times growing up where I didn't really know if my family and I would make it out okay, financially wise. We've always managed. But for just one day, I would love to not have to worry at all about money. I would love to just spoil myself and know that it won't even put a dent in my wallet. I want to have the money to travel the world. I just want to be filthy f*cking rich.

And is it me, or are all the rich people just naturally gorgeous?

I highly doubt it's just me. So, I think it necessary to include beauty in the package as well. I want to FEEL beautiful. I want to know that when I go out, all eyes are on me. But I don't want it to be just that. I want them to all look at me because I am alive and happy as can be. I wish to not have a care in the world to bother me.

That's what I would want for a day...

I should just be famous.

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