Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So there's this boy...

Now I'm not gonna jump out there and call it the L word or whatever, but damn it feels so good...

It's only been two weeks, officially that is, but still I find myself thinking about him day and night. I miss him every moment that we're not together and wait anxiously for the next time I will get to see him. My cheeks are in constant pain from smiling so big, it's a crazy thing. I don't think a guy has ever made me smile so much!

He's the perfect gentleman. Since the very first time I met him, he has done nothing but treat me with full respect and care. It's like he can do no wrong. He knows everything about me, and I mean EVERYTHING...he didn't turn away. Hell, he didn't even blink away. He has accepted me for all that I am, and that's something I thought would take a miracle to happen.

People notice the change in attitude that I've had since I've been with him. I couldn't be happier. From a sincere smile to the bounce in my walk, everyone's seeing that there's something beautiful happening in my life right now. It's almost too good to be true.

I think I may have finally found my Prince Charming <3